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Rajiv Udyogasri

Rajiv Udyogasri is a mission set up by the Andhra Pradesh Government to create I million jobs by 2009.The basic objective of this mission is to provide 10 lakh jobs in next 2 years at the rate 10 jobs per village. This is a systematic approach to find a job. You can choose the training institute and get trained in the field of your interest and get the job. The eligibility creiteria is minimum 5th class.

Rajiv Udyogasri will fill the gap that is existing due to the lack of skills in present day unemployed youth due to the un related syllabus in their academic qualifications. Rajiv Udyogasri will identify such unemployed youth and impart market demanding skills to the students with the funding of the government totally on free of cost and see that they will be observed by the Industries.

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